Flash mob

Համապատասխանեցրեք նախադասությունները ըստ իրենց արտահայտած մտքերի. Match the sentences. A) I’ll give you one of mine. b) I’ll drive you there. C) I’ll answer it. D) I’ll give you some. E) I’ll bring you an aspirin too. F) I’ll give you mine. G) I’ll make some sandwiches. H) I’ll buy two tickets then.
Option 1
1. I haven’t got my umbrella with me.
I’ll give you mine.
2. I am hungry.
I’ll make some sandwiches.
3. I can’t find my pencil.
I’ll give you one of mine.
4. My have a headache. (գլխացավ)
I’ll bring you an aspirin too.
5. I am late for school.
I’ll drive you there.
6. I want to go to the concert too.
I’ll buy two tickets then.
7. The phone is ringing.
I’ll answer it.
8. I haven’t got any money on me.
I’ll give you some.
II. Գրեք տնային աշխատանքը չկատարելու երեք պատճառ: Write three excuses for not doing your homework.
I had a problem with internet.
I had a headache.
We had a guests and I was busy.
III. Պատասխանեք ձեր ապագային վերաբերող երեք հարցի. Answer three questions about your future.
Option 1
a. How will you look like in the future? (արտաքինը. tall or short, fat or thin, )
I will look like tall and thin in future.
b.What will you have?
I will have a car and house.
c. What will you become?
I will become a programmer.